1 Cornell University (1997). Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Lake Source Cooling, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
2 Ibid. Volume 4, Appendix C-15, Cornell University Lake Source Cooling Project Phase II Terrestrial Geotechnical Report, page 10-12, Tables 1-2.
3 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (1996). The 1996 Priority Waterbodies List for the Oswego-Seneca-Oneida River Basin, page 159.
4 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (1998). New York State 1998 303(d) List.
5 Cornell University (1998). Volume 2, Table 2.3.3-14, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Lake Source Cooling Project.
6 Ibid.
7 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (1996). op. cit.
8 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (1998). op. cit.
9 Cornell University (1997). Appendix C-15. op. cit.
10 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map Co. (1910, 1919, 1929, 1961).
11 Ibid.
12 Cornell University(1998). Volume 2, Table 2.3.3-14, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Lake Source Cooling Project. op. cit.
13 Ibid.
14 Cornell University (1998). Appendix C-10. op. cit.
15 Cornell University (1998). Volume 2, Table 2.3.3-14, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Lake Source Cooling Project. op. cit.
16 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (1996). op. cit.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.
19 Cornell University (1997). Volume 4, Appendix C-15, Cornell University Lake Source Cooling Project Phase II Terrestrial Geotechnical Report, page 10-12, Tables 1-2. op. cit.
20 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (1994). Hazardous Substance Waste Disposal Site Study.
21 Gary Gleason, Chief Operator, Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, October 30, 1998. Personal Communication.
22 Brent Cross, PE, Engineer for the Village of Cayuga Heights, October 30, 1998. Personal communication.
23 48 Federal Register at 32467 (1983).
24 New York City Department of Environmental Protection. NYC Water Pollution Control Plant Operations 1979-81.
25 Versar (1975). Identification of Organic Compounds in Effluents From Industrial Sources. EPA Report EDA-560/3-75-002.
26 Ibid.
27 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (1996). op. cit.
28 Vitale, A.M. and Spray, P.M. (1974). Total Urban Water Pollution Loads. The Impact of Storm Water. Enviro Control, Inc., for the Council of Environmental Quality.
29 Sartor, J.D. and Boyd, G.B. (1972). Water Pollution Aspects of Street Surface Contamination.' EPA-R2-72-081 Washington, D.C.
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid.
33 Ibid.
Prepared by the
Cayuga Lake Defense Fund (CLDF).
For more information, Call: 275-9054 or 272-7914
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CLDF 1998