Figure Five
[From Chapter 2, page 2.3.3-21, paragraph of the Environmental Impact Statement]
"Projected compliance with the NYS phosphorus guidance value provides one scale by which the potential LSC impacts can be assessed. Data from Station P4 or S11 [emphasis added] in the mid-southern lake basin were used to evaluate how Cayuga Lake water compares to the state TP [total phosphorus] guidance value under current conditions (Table 2.3.3-14). These data indicate that southern Cayuga Lake currently meets [emphasis added] the ambient water quality guidance value for TP in ponded waters, since the summer average concentration is consistently below 20 µg/l. Since the maximum concentration of TP in the circulated hypolimnetic water is at or below the guidance value (20 µg/l), we conclude that implementation of the LSC project would not cause exceedances of the guidance value in the southern basin."
The summer average phosphorus concentration shown in Table 2.3.3-14 is clearly not less than 20 micrograms/liter.
Prepared by the