Agreements have been reached to move forward with the following evaluations
and actions:
Development of explicit criteria that would be used to determine if the
project is causing adverse impacts. These criteria will assist in the
implementation of the SPDES permit condition which requires re-evaluation of
the outfall location if there is a statistically significant trend of
increasing leveIs of total phosphorus or chlorophyll-a in the lake.
Completion of an outfall relocation study to evaluate alternative,
extended outfall locations. For example, the parties will evaluate whether an
outfall Iocation below the photic zone (about ten meters deep) would
effectively prevent any additional loading of phosphorus from causing algal
growth, Completion of this study within the next one or two years (and prior
to the occurrence of any unexpected impacts) will minimize any delay in
implementing an outfall extension project if found to be necessary.
Development and implementation of project(s) to reduce diffuse loadings
of phosphorus to the Lake, The main focus of this effort will be to identify
nonpoint sources or similar diffuse sources of phosphorus, and to develop
mitigation projects to control the source(s).This project could serve as a
model to test the concept of offsets" which is being discussed at the
national level as a potential element of the permitting of new dischargers to
stressed waters. Any such project would be expected to complement other
projects and programs implemented in the Cayuga Lake watershed under the
overall New York StateNon-Point Source Management Plan.
It is expected that the above actions will be coordinated and conducted by
NYSDEC and Cornell, with assistance from EPA. in addition, opportunities for
informal public review and input will be provided.